About the room

Located on the ground floor of West Wing, the Mindfulness Room is accessible to all Carnegie Mellon University community members. The Mindfulness Room is open 24 hours a day during the fall and spring semesters. This is one space on campus to simply rest, breathe, and relax with no agenda.
Some of the relaxation features of this room include plants, a soothing waterfall wall, yoga mats, meditation pillows, and comfy seating. We ask visitors to not bring homework or technology, and to just visit this room in a state of being present. This place is not be used for meetings or for work, but to recover and inspire yourself. It is not a reserve-able space.
The inspirational part of the room includes the books and the whiteboard walls. There is a bookshelf filled with favorite books from professors and faculty members. We will continue to accept donations of inspirational books, magazines and posters throughout the venue’s lifespan. Donations can be sent to the Student Life Office.
We want this space to evolve over time so that it can continue to translate to our community’s needs. We have included a suggestion box in the room so that individuals can leave comments. Anytime when you need rest, come to the mindfulness room.
Words from the founder

With ease, I fall in love with the passion of other. The way their eyes light up when they talk about something they are deeply passionate about: a person, an idea, a major. Their words drip with inspiration for the things they love. That’s Carnegie Mellon for you. It is here that you’ll find students, that even outside of their class obligations, will eagerly stay up all night - creating a new program, developing life saving technologies, perfecting a buggy - making memories that last a lifetime. Carnegie Mellon radiates with this beautiful brilliance, and with that, I have fallen in love.
With our hearts so deeply in the work, it is often all too easy to lose ourselves. These are the times when we may forget the wonder of all that we are, all that we are surrounded by. Trust me, i know. Poor grades and dropped classes are nothing new to me. I know the devastation when you don’t get something you really want, again and again even. But do not forget, Tartans, the never-ending determination of the Carnegie Mellon dream-doers. You are strong, and wonderful, more than you know. Each and every one of you got into this school for a reason, for your incredible potential to change this school and the world. Believe me, you already have. Kick away the lingering feeling that you aren’t good enough, because I know with certainty you are making a difference. From helping a friend, to changing a community, your inspiration creates a ripple effect that does just that.
In the spring of 2013, Student Government, the Vice Provost of Education, and the Division of Student Affairs worked together to create The Enhancing Campus Culture Fund in order to identify creative opportunities to help alleviate stress and better personal wellness. This grant then paved the way for two amazing opportunities: Project Smile, a happiness club that serves to improve student body morale through random acts of kindness, and The Mindfulness Room, a place of inspiration, relaxation, and happiness.
This room is a result of the work of individuals standing as one, urging us to remember how wonderful we are. You are not allowed to do homework in the Mindfulness Room; I designed it without tables for this reason. Homework can be done in almost every nook and cranny around CMU. instead, this is a room specifically built for you, so that you may remove yourself from crazy stressful days and relax. Mediate a little. Do some yoga. Curl up with a good book. You have everything that it takes to lead an incredible life. Believe this. Believe in yourself. I hope you find whatever you are looking for, and that all your dreams come true. And even if they don’t , I hope you know that it’s okay. Sometimes we have to fall before we walk again.
Don’t ever doubt, and don’t ever give up on yourself.
With all the CMU love in the world, Angela Ng Founder of Project Smile and the Mindfulness Room
About the artifacts
Everything in the room is designed to help make others feel more comfortable.
The Tapestry is from Kenya, and there are elements in the room from Rwanda and Bangladesh as well.
The books are faculty/staff's favorite books
The white board wall is for students to leave each other supporting messages
The big scrapbooks are letters from alumni about their stories of struggle and support
The big wooden benches are made by students
The canvases are painted by students